About GISP - Hydrogen

The Gateway to Industry Schools project for the Hydrogen Industry (GISPH2) facilitates sustainable partnerships between industry, government, and the education sector to:

  • Advance Queensland’s hydrogen workforce development
  • Attract new workers
  • Guide future training.

By fostering these partnerships, connecting pathways, encouraging participation, offering professional development and assisting in the promotion of schools and students, GISPH2 is assisting industry build talent pipelines for the future.




Committed and engaged teacher/s, access to resources & teacher professional development, needs analysis plan & strategic advice, industry insights, evidence, and connections to Hydrogen.



Committed and engaged Principal, leadership and teachers, connecting multiple curriculum areas, tailored needs analysis plan & ongoing strategic advice, invitations to partner on industry case studies, delivering related VET qualifications in Hydrogen, priority invitations to industry events, good news stories for promotion in industry networks, hosting teacher professional development, letters of support, industry insights, evidence & connections.


Connection Partnership

Partnership: Engagement

Committed teacher and supportive principal engaged in the program to maintain partnerships

Committed teacher & supportive principal, leadership & teachers engaged in the program to maintain partnerships across multiple curriculum areas including VET & STEM

Partnership: Strategic Advice and Industry Insight

During induction and onboarding

Continuing through updates

During induction and onboarding, personalised ongoing advice, and insight throughout the year with program manager 1:1

Participation: Needs Analysis & Plan

Strategic plan available to ensure max connection to opportunities – School Action Plan

Tailored strategic plan created to meet specific regional school industry outcomes – Three year plan (2023-2025)

Industry Case Studies of Best Practice

* This activity isn’t part of the GISP program offerings; however, it is a benefit to partnership schools

Access to learnings and stories via newsletter and resources site

Development of best practice, where possible — this requires additional support from ESQ re: grants, corporate social investment, etc.

Pathways: STEM meaningful pathway information and tool access

Full Access – student poster pack & web app

Full Access – student poster pack & web app

Professional Development: Industry Q&As and Renewable Energy Industry Tours

Offered where possible

Priority invitations

Professional Development: STEM Teacher PD Industry Events and Workshops

Invited where possible

Opportunity to host

Priority seating/ticket

Co-creation of shareable resources

Professional Development: STEM Teacher Buddy and Industry Partner

Self service on partners introduced

Tailored to meet teacher capability requirements

Letter of Support for Grant Funding

Available Upon Request

Coaching & mentoring available.


GISPH2 for Industry

Support the future of energy by getting involved with Queenslands’ Gateway to Industry Schools Program for Hydrogen (GISPH2). We’re cultivating a skilled talent pipeline and powering a sustainable future. Providing students with ‘world of work’ opportunities allows them to self-select a pathway best for them. The more input industry has into these pathways, the more likely a student is to select that industry to trial.

Investing in the talent pipeline is a critical role for industry to play. Teachers also require support in understanding the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mechanism (STEM) connections to your industry. GISPH2 provides a mechanism of efficiency for industry to invest in schools.

Providing students with practical skills, industry can assist students enter the workforce and build a pipeline of talent for the future.

All industry partners receive a Certificate to showcase as evidence of this investment to be used in your tenders and submissions of how you’re giving back to your community. Whether it be as simple as a 30-minute online classroom visit or a student tour of your facility, there are many options to engage, and the choice is yours. Get involved!

Simply download an Industry Partnership Form and return it to [email protected] and one of our team will be in touch to connect you to your nearest GISPH2 school.


GISPH2 for Schools

GISPH2 will be welcoming new schools into the network in 2025.

Please register your interest here or feel free to contact the GISPH2 team should you have questions by emailing [email protected].

View current listings of schools


GISPH2 for Students & Parents

GISPH2 provides industry pathways information and participation opportunities that allows students to make informed decisions to self-select their pathway into the world of work.

GISPH2 produces connections with industry partners, providing industry tours and pathway information which unpack STEM connections plus the training and skills pathways required for the evolving Hydrogen industry opportunities.

Check out our GISPH2 Student Pathways brochure to obtain more information.

H2 Job Roles Flyer

ESQ Pathways to Hydrogen


GISPH2 for Teachers

Teachers involved in the GISPH2 network access industry insights, evidence, connections, professional development opportunities and access to industry-developed teaching resources. Teachers receive evidence of involvement in GISPH2 official activities which contribute to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.


Resources for GISPH2 schools

GISPH2 is proud to offer a selection of resources to assist teachers and schools connect to the Hydrogen Industry. Please obtain a password from your Program Manager. This is a ‘live’ resource site which will continually evolve as the Hydrogen industry grows to a renewable focus with new innovations.

All official GISPH2 network forms are also housed in this area including Student Feedback Forms (to be returned to the Program Manager following tours into industry), Teacher Feedback Form, GISPH2 Reporting Template etc.

Gateway to Industry Schools Program is an initiative funded and supported by the Queensland Government

Gateway to Industry Schools

Operating since 2011, the Queensland Workforce Skilling Strategy (QWSS) has provided a framework for industry and communities to work together and provide solutions to maximise the potential for long-term unemployed, underemployed, Indigenous people, migrants and women to gain employment in the energy industries, its supply chain or locally. The focus has been on entry level jobs and enabling access to career path opportunities.

Energy Skills Queensland sources funding from the Federal and State Governments to conduct the QWSS. Assistance from industry partners provides additional support for specific programs.

Since January 2011, Energy Skills Queensland has seen a 55.5% success rate in QWSS participants gaining employment in the energy industry. The successful outcomes have been as a result of Energy Skills Queensland staff working on the ground to develop working relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (including Traditional Owner Groups), community partners, government agencies and Industry to ensure the individual participants are well supported to gain and retain employment.

25 projects delivered since 2015 between Gold Coast and Townsville

North Qld: Townsville, Bowen
Central Qld: Mackay, Rockhampton, Blackwater, Gladstone
North Coast: Gympie
Metro: Brisbane, Ipswich
South East: Logan, Coolangatta


Our training and employment programs include

  • Nationally recognised training in in-demand qualifications
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Pre-employment medical screening
  • Industry-required background checks and certifications
  • Hands-on, practical learning in real work environments
  • Ongoing learner support and mentoring
  • Links and referrals to our employer partners
  • Job search and application assistance
  • Post-participation support
  • Funding

    Above $5 million of SQW Funding

  • Indigenous Participants

  • Graduated

    Graduated with full qualifications

  • Employment

    Secured employment after

  • 575 Participants

    83.7% male and 16.3% female

Upcoming Programs
  • Cert II in Rail Infrastructure - Ipswich
  • Cert II in Rail Infrastructure - Townsville
  • Cert II Metal Fabrication - Ormeau
  • Cert II in Civil Construction - Townsville
Stores: 0 PRINT

Store Direction


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Energy Skills Queensland engages with key industry stakeholders to build industry intelligence for the delivery of workforce planning initiatives. Through workforce planning, research and analysis, Energy Skills Queensland examine the current and future workforce to identify skills needs and workforce risks. It further analyses employee data to create a workforce profile of specific industry sectors enabling individual company benchmarking against profiles. Through formal industry skilling reports and strategies, Energy Skills Queensland communicates industry intelligence, outlining skilling needs and future workforce risks.

The key to effective workforce planning is better decision making in how the workforce is identified, targeted and managed. Ultimately, workforce choices made now will impact on future productivity and financial performance

Workforce Analysis Service

Initial Consultation And Scoping
Initial Consultation And Scoping

Establish issues facing organisation, what needs to be achieved and which part/s of the workforce will be covered by the service

Proposal Detail
Proposal Detail

A formal proposal document will be drafted and signed by both parties explicitly stating what services will be provided, what responsibilities will be required from both parties and what timeframes will be applicable. The proposal will also include a financial breakdown of all costs and payment options

Design, Develop And Review
Design, Develop And Review

Data collection tools (including surveys and interviews) designed according to stipulations in proposal using customised terminology and organisational detail. (One review of survey content and amendment allowed by customer).

Data Collection
Data Collection

The period that a survey will be open to collect information. All information is to be collected online only (paper-based surveys can be printed and allocated but will attract larger fees and extend time frames)

Analysis And Validation
Analysis And Validation

Collation and interpretation of results. All results are tabulated and graphed. Thereafter preliminary results are presented to managers to eliminate contextual influences and validate findings

Reporting And Recommendations
Reporting And Recommendations

Final findings and recommendations are drafted in report and distributed to agreed recipients.

Workforce Planning Research Projects

Initial Consultation And Scoping
Initial Consultation And Scoping

Establish research topic and outcomes that need to be achieved. Establish scope and deliverables

Proposal Detail
Proposal Detail

A formal proposal document will be drafted and signed by both parties explicitly stating what services will be provided, what responsibilities will be required from both parties and what timeframes will be applicable. The proposal will also include a financial breakdown of all costs and payment options

Establish Committees (Only Where Applicable)
Establish Committees (Only Where Applicable)

Some large-scale industry-wide or technologically advanced research projects may require subject matter experts as part of a steering committee.

Data Collection & Consultation
Data Collection & Consultation

Consultation with industry experts and desktop research.


Collation and interpretation of information collected.

Reporting And Recommendations
Reporting And Recommendations

Final findings and recommendations are drafted in report and distributed to agreed recipients.

Engagement & Advocacy

A primary function of Energy Skills Queensland is to assist industry to meet skills needs and mitigate workforce risk by consulting with key stakeholders to develop and implement industry policy and workforce development strategies to help attract, retain and develop skills.

Competence & Governance

Energy Skills Queensland is committed to supporting industry to improve their competency assurance and governance practices. ESQ offers a number of products and services to support competency assurance and governance activities such as SkillPASS, GI and audit capabilities.

Skill Audit

Energy Skills Queensland’s market research and engagement activities have identified that industry would benefit from independent advice Energy Skills Queensland has a number of highly qualified Audit professionals who are able to assist in a range of audit activities

Generic Induction (GI)
Member Login

The Generic Induction (GI) Mining (Surface) Programme is the first step in ensuring that all individuals working on mine sites have the capability to operate safely in their roles. The GI Programme provides training and assessment for the Resources and Infrastructure Industry (RII) Units of Competency which are specified in Recognised Standard 11, Training in Coal Mines (Qld Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999). The GI program has been designed, developed, and approved through consultation with Industry, the Mines Inspectorate, Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s), Contractors and the industry union body.

What We Offer

Course Overview

The Generic Induction (GI) Mining (Surface) programme provides participants the essential skills and knowledge of the legislation, communication protocols and safety procedures that are used on surface coal mines to ensure that every coal mine worker has a safe working environment. The GI Programme provides training and assessment for the Resources and Infrastructure Industry (RII) Units of Competency which are specified in Recognised Standard 11, Training in Coal Mines (QLD Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999).Upon successful completion of this programme, participants will gain skills and knowledge in:

  • General mining overview
  • General safety
  • Initial first aid
  • Environmental procedures
  • Communication protocols
  • Hazard identification/risk control
  • Incident reporting/investigation
  • Coal Mine Legislation
  • Managing workplace hazards
  • Isolation and tagging procedures
  • Fire fighting and fire prevention
  • Emergency procedures

Some mine sites have specific requirements for their generic induction training, anyone who is considering enrolling in the Generic Induction is advised to first confirm the site entry requirements.

Course Modules:

  • RIIWHS201E – Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
  • RIIERR205D – Apply initial response first aid.
  • RIIGOV201E – Comply with site work processes/procedures
  • RIIRIS201E – Conduct local risk control.
  • RIICOM201E – Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIERR302E – Respond to local emergencies and incidents

Students gain first-hand experience from instructors with extensive industry expertise and work through a series of real-life scenarios.

Duration: 3 days


Throughout the program students will be assessed via in class activities and written assessments + simulated assessments and a logbook. At the end of the programme, participants who are deemed competent will receive a statement of Attainment and a Generic Induction card

Course Validity

The program is valid for up to five years.

Under Graduate

Generic Induction Refresher

This program will cover main topics in Generic Induction program using learning circles where experienced workers can share their knowledge whilst learning new skills. This is a half day program that imparts skills and knowledge to take a leadership role in maintaining safety on sites. The program also enables you to develop problem solving and decision making skills during emergencies. Some of the focused areas for discussion are:

  • Hazard identification and risk management
  • Roles an responsibilities of safety leaders
  • Effective safety communication
  • Creating and maintaining a safety culture within the workplace
  • Risk perception and risk taking behaviour

Pre Requisites

Participants should have worked in the industry for five years, must be able to provide evidence of your work history and have a current statement of attainment for the six units of competency identified below:

  • RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIGOV201E Comply with site work processes/procedures
  • RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
  • RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control
  • RIIERR205D Apply initial response First Aid
  • RIIERR302E Respond to local emergencies and incidents


Our Program Is Delivered Via Our Training Partners
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